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Voices – Physical Health

Because They Care

High School Student at School-Based Health Center


I’m an 11th grader at Saginaw High and I’ve been going to the School-Based Health Center since I’ve entered the building my 9th grade year. The health center staff have been helping and they also take care of me.

When I first started off going to the School-Based Health Center it was just for a band aid, a physical or any other medical attention I was seeking. They’re going to drop everything and do what they need to satisfy me or any other student that visit the Health center. They only do this Because they CARE.

Toward the middle of the school year, I started to get closer with Ms. Amanda, a health educator in the health center. Then she introduced me to the rest of the Staff. They took me in as their own. They care for me they help when help is needed. And they only do it Because they CARE.

I’ve built a bond with the staff members in the health center. To a point they are not even considered staff members.  To me, they are my Aunties.  My family includes: Mama Manda, Auntie Kenya, Auntie Sarah, Auntie Kandra and Auntie Kaylea. I know when I walk in the health center, I’m home. I can go to the health center for anything. My mom and my aunties of the health center are there when I’m mentally, emotional and physically hurt. Why… Because they CARE.

The health center is important to me and my mom when my mom can’t get me to the doctor when I’m sick or become sick at school. They are there. They help me and it saves my mom gas money to give to people to pick me up and take me to the doctor, because we don’t have a car. If a student walks in the health center sick or is hurting, but they maybe not be signed up in the health center, my aunties and mom of the health center will do all they can to help the kids of Saginaw High. They only do that Because they CARE.




Why School-Based Health Care is Important to Me

High School Student


Why school-based health care is important to me? School-based health care is important to me because, if I can't get to the doctor or something health wise while I’m in school they will always be there. And another reason why school-based health care is important, that are always there to help you and give you good information about health. School-based health care has helped me in many ways by being a good student and also, by being healthy to my everyday life.

My center has helped me in my confidence in so many ways, for example they tell me I’m beautiful even when I don't feel like it. They tell me my weight is just a number don’t let that bring you down, they also say try always to make good food choices, and exercise each day,  work hard to be that woman with that extra confidence. Also, my center has helped me overcome my challenges is by being there for me when I’m at my weakest point. And one of my biggest challenges is my weight and since the health center is in my school I can always go there for advice.

How I build leadership skills due to my center is by learning how I can help people overcome obstacles. One of my leadership skills I have is listening to people talk and helping them through tough times, when they don't feel like talking to any other adults. I overcame a hard time in my life and my school center was always there with open ear to listen, I always had a hard time making friends, fitting in, all these things made me have depression. I had a hard time getting through it especially being a teenager. They taught me that everyone has their ups and downs and you have to keep moving forward to reach your goals. They encourage me to get involved in programs at the school.

If it could be anything, I could improve what would it be? To be honest I wouldn't change a thing about it, there are so many reasons why I wouldn't change anything about it because there like family away from home.



High School Student

It was always good. I go there at least once a week. They always know how to help you. Once 5th hour comes, I get hungry and dizzy. They will give me a granola bar. Or if I’m having a bad day and I need to rant to them about something that’s going on, they will take time to talk. They will give me emotional support. They are friendly and they know me by my first name. The insurance that I have they can always work with it and they know how to use it.



High School Teacher


The health center is fantastic – We can rely on them for anything from mental awareness to supporting our students while they are at school. As a teacher, there are many outside influences that we don’t have control over that can prevent students from learning. We have had students that need anything from mental support to specific medical testing. The center has a huge impact.


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